Trump’s RNC Looks Like A ‘Massive’ Election-Rigging Operation

10 months ago 5

It’s been less than a week since Donald Trump took over the Republican National Committee and installed daughter-in-law Lara Trump and other toadies to run it. On Monday, the new leaders purged the organization of “bureaucrats” and effectively merged it into the Trump campaign.

Two days later, a federal lawsuit was filed in the swing state of Michigan for a massive voter purge, Democracy Docket notes, despite the fact that a federal judge dismissed a similar lawsuit from a right-wing group just two weeks ago. “Citing scant evidence,” the RNC’s complaint states, “[v]oter fraud is very real in Michigan. Several recent elections have suffered from voter fraud,” Democracy Docket’s Rachel Selzer writes.

The Trump RNC promises a far more intensive effort gaslit as “election integrity.” A Washington Post article about the “restructuring” of the RNC buried a few paragraphs that should alarm everyone who really cares about election integrity. Note that Chris LaCivita is both RNC chief operating officer and Trump campaign co-manager:

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