The Washington Post's Kathleen Parker thinks Democrats should dump Kamala Harris. That's a fairly common pundit opinion, but most anti-Harris pundits don't Go There. Parker decides to Go There:
The Democratic Party’s indulgence of identity politics has proved successful in building a diverse organization, but its strategy of courting (and pandering to) minority voters is the road to ruin....
The Kamala conundrum comes down to this: She was picked because she was Black and female, a combo tantamount to job security. Now that she has become a burden to the Democratic ticket, Biden can’t fire her. He can’t risk alienating his base. Full stop.
The "and female" part of "She was picked because she was Black and female" conceals Parker's real point here, which is to attack the Democratic Party for "its strategy of courting (and pandering to) minority voters" (women aren't a minority group). Harris was picked for her race, Parker says, and you can't fire Those People, amirite?
But we shouldn't be surprised at this. Remember what Parker wrote about Barack Obama in 2008:
"A full-blooded American."